HACCP is widely recognized in the food industry as an effective approach to establishing good production, sanitation and manufacturing practices that produce safe foods.
After the initial setting up of the system, be extremely cost effective.
First by building the controls into the process, failure can be identified at an early stage and therefore less finished product will be rejected at the end of the production line. It will prevent of waste and incident costs.
Secondly, by identifying the Critical Control Points, a limited technical resource can be targeted at the management of these.
Thirdly the disciplines of applying HACCP are such that there is almost always going to be improvement in product quality. Adequate training of personnel is a key to effective implementation of the HACCP system.
HACCP entails extensive planning, commitment of resources and new transaction disciplines - monitoring, cord keeping, audit/verification procedures and trend analysis techniques.
Consumer awareness of their right to purchase food that is safe has increase significantly over the past few years.
Here the controls used to prevent the presence of a harmful contaminant, such as glass are so often likely also to prevent the occurrence of less harmful contaminant, therefore providing brand quality protection as well as consumer protection.
An effective HACCP based product safety will include statement that: designate product safety as a top business priority.
Cost Effective of HACCP
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